Thursday, January 13, 2011


What are those? Nights when my husband won't be home for a few consecutive dinner times. Nights when I have a headache. Nights when I'm exhausted or sick. Nights when I have waaay too much to do and the kids need to eat anyway.
What do you eat on nights like that?

Here's a list of the kinds of things we eat...
  • Cheese crisps. Also known as open quesadillas. Serve with apple slices or carrot sticks and you've got a meal!
  • Grilled cheese sandwiches -with or without tomato soup
  • Chicken nuggets & tator tots or french fries
  • Macaroni & Cheese. have a side of hot dogs or chicken nuggets and cooked vegetables and that's a meal too. (sometimes I stir cut hot dogs and mixed veg in the pot just before I'm ready to serve)
My kids' favorite dinners are served on nights when I am either not hungry as early as they are, or I'm eating left overs of something else and they don't want it. That is the night that my son gets a corn dog, my daughter gets a hot dog. Then they round off the meal with which ever dairy snack they didn't have already that day (string cheese or gogurt) and another easy produce like carrot sticks. I do *not* eat hot dogs in any form, this is just for them. I also refuse to do this more than once in any 7 day period (unless I am really, really sick) which bugs them. ehh, its better that way.

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