This is her son here. I'm not technically supposed to be doing this, but hey, this is good sandwich. It's got a very weird ingredients list though. It was really created by my mom's suggestion, technically speaking. I was going to have some Cheese Nips and a piece of bread with Nutella on it. My mom saw me and though I was going to eat Cheese Nips with the Nutella. That's when I got the idea of Cheesecake Sandwich. Here's how to make this disgusting-looking-but-really-good-sandwich.
2 pieces of bread
Cheese Nips
Spread the Nutella on both pieces of bread. Place the Cheese Nips on top of 1 slice of Nutella covered bread. Then put a dash of sugar on the other one. Fold it together like a regular sandwich and enjoy! If you are wondering it's called 'Cheesecake Sandwich', that's because it tastes like Cheesecake! If you seem revolted by this recipe, give it to the kids! Thas good stuff moms!
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